Meeting held in Hobart, 9th of June 2008, during the Tasmanian Championships
Meeting Opened:
12:35 pm
- Graham Richards (President),
- Kevin Bonham (Secretary),
- Nigel Frame (HICC),
- Russell Horton (JCO),
- Tom Krasnicki (Observer).
- Ross George (Webmaster),
- Leo Minol (Treasuer),
- Dylan Kuzmic (Ratings),
- Carey Kuzmic (BCC)
Minutes of the meeting of 9 March were accepted unanimously.
Matter Arising:
Womens and Seniors champion trophies – see below
Record of motions carried between minutes by email:
MOVED Russell (8 April) that the TCA contribute $39 towards the cost of plaques for the Womens and Seniors Championships. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
MOVED Kevin (20 April) that the draft Tasmanian Open entry form be adopted with the amendments that play start at 9:30am on Sunday and 9:00am on Monday. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
None tabled
Treasurers Report:
Having mislaid printed copy from Leo, Kevin gave a summary of position from memory and noted that Leo has now established separate accounting for ACF ratings fees. Kevin to circulate report by email.
General Business:
Possibility of bidding for Australian Junior 2010
Resolved that the TCA, believing that there are sufficient people likely to be able to commit to the event, investigates the feasibility of a bid for this event in Hobart over January 12-25 (approx) in detail with a decision to be made on bidding at the August meeting. Those conducting investigations to report to the Executive by email as they discover relevant information.
Feasibility investigations to include:
- Venue – Graham and Kevin to investigate Council via aldermanic contacts, Graham and Nigel to look for other venues
- Accommodation, eg colleges (Tom)
- Government subsidy through Major Events (Russell)
- Equipment, either purchased or loaned as sponsorship (Kevin)
- Incorporation or possibility of ACF as host body (Kevin to investigate latter)
- Web hosting – Russell to contact Ross to establish his availability/interest level. Allan Richards may also be able to assist.
Also discussed:
downloadable entry form on website, scoresheets, sponsorship (t-shirts etc – considered unnecessary), preparation of budget and finances using similar bids as a model, possibility of use of colleges for accommodation, staffing for input of games, need to fly in and pay some arbiters.
Two rounds on final day:
MOVED (Kevin/Russell) that as a guideline, the TCA considers that when the Open or Championship are held in Launceston or Burnie, only a single round should be held on the Monday.
Womens and Seniors trophies:
Matter held over for now as Russell is investigating other options for their construction as he knows someone who may be able to produce them.
Meeting closed:
1:10 pm