Meeting held in Burnie, 5th of November 2001, following the Tasmanian Open.
Meeting Opened:
12:30 pm
- Leo Minol (President)
- Kevin Bonham (Secretary)
- Neville Ledger (Delegate – Burnie)
- Charles Chadwick (Delegate – Sandy Bay)
- Reg Harvey (Observer)
- Simon Browne (Observer)
Observers were notified that they had speaking but not voting rights at this meeting.
- David Christian (Treasurer/Ratings)
Minutes of the AGM of 12/3/01 were taken as read.
Matters Arising:
Flying Minute:
Noted that the TCA Executive passed by email during August the following:
MOVED Bonham:
That the TCA:
- Recognises that its constitution has fallen out of circulation and no longer reflects the way chess in Tasmania and Australia is organised.
- Despite this, ratifies all past decisions of the TCA as correctly reflecting the will of the TCA at the time, and recognises all decisions taken as binding unless subsequently revoked.
- Agrees to consider reviewing its constitution with particular reference to membership structure but also including any other potential reforms.
- Instructs the Secretary to consult widely with member clubs and submit a new Constitution for consideration at the scheduled November TCA General Meeting.
CARRIED (3 for, 0 against, 0 stated abstentions)
Correspondence In:
- Phil Donnelly 13 June – complaint against Alija Premilovac
- Phil Donnelly 9 August – complaint against Burnie Club (3 items)
- Andrew Todd 16 August – response to complaint
- Andrew Todd 21 August – BCC position on ACF involvement in complaint
Correspondence Out:
- Phil Donnelly 13 June – acknowledging complaint
- TCA Executive + Clubs 3 August – Donnelly complaint re Premilovac
- Alija Premilovac 3 August – Donnelly complaint
- TCA Executive + Clubs 7 August – Constitutional Motion
- TCA Executive 9 August – Donnelly drops complaint against Premilovac
- Alija Premilovac 9 August – complaint by Donnelly withdrawn
- Phil Donnelly 9 August – acknowledge receipt of complaint + procedure
- Andrew Todd 9 August – notification of complaint
- Phil Donnelly 9 August – legal issues (defamation) re complaint
- Phil Donnelly 15 August – receipt of revised complaint
- TCA Executive 16 August – as above
- Neville Ledger and Andrew Todd 18 August – arbitration of Burnie dispute
- Phil Donnelly 18 August – as above
- Andrew Todd 20 August – receipt of letter re arbitration of Burnie dispute
- Phil Donnelly 20 August – as above
- TCA Executive 30 August – email motion passed
Discussion of correspondence:
The complaint by Phil Donnelly regarding the Burnie club in the second (revised) form posted on 9 August was tabled and discussed. It was agreed that the complaint was moot as the issue had been resolved internally to some degree, and that the issue lay outside the TCA’s existing powers as an internal club matter. Kevin Bonham said that while the complaint raised issues definitely relevant to the process of TCA reform, he had not included anything arising from it in the batch of motions notified for this meeting, as the issue is complex and controversial, and as more discussion of the exact structure and implications of any possible constitutional change affecting the TCA’s powers regarding member clubs, is needed. Kevin said he was not sure whether he supported any such changes or not. Neville Ledger stated that he opposed any change which would grant the TCA power to intervene in internal club matters against a club’s will. It was agreed that further constitutional changes can be made at future meetings if the TCA so desires, and that the highest priority of this Executive Meeting regarding the Constitution was to make those changes necessary to bring the Constitution up to date.
General Business:
Junior Chess:
Kevin pointed out that for a range of reasons formal junior chess activity in the state has been negligible this year. We discussed options for holding next year’s Individual Championships probably in Launceston, with Reg Harvey organising subject to work commitments and Leo Minol possibly assisting with venues. We agreed that any local teams-style contest was a bonus if anyone was willing to organise it.
MOVED Kevin Bonham that the proposed amendments to the Constitution as circulated prior to the meeting be all accepted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
MOVED Neville Ledger that the Secretary be instructed to renumber and reformat the Constitution as revised and circulate it in its new form. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY
[Attached: New TCA Constitution as amended and renumbered]
Meeting Closed:
1:00 pm