Tasmanian Junior Rapid Champs 2023
Seven rounds of rapid chess played out at Sacred Heart College in Launceston on Saturday 9th December. In three age divisions, under 8s and 10s, Under 12 and Secondary.
Thanks to Blacksquare Chess.
Tournament results: -
=1st Thomas Hartwell & Himash Keerthiratne 6.5/7
3rd Jonty Oud 5/7
4th Eric Foster 4/7
Under 12s
1st Stefan Walstab 7/7
2nd Joel Metzler 5/7
3rd/4th Minh Nguyen & Amartya Shenoy 4.5/7
Under 8 & 10s
=1st Kyler Wang & Jae Lockyer 6/7
3rd William Hanna 5.5/7
4th Zoe Meredith 5/7