Tasmanian Chess Association (Inc.)

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TCA Minutes 12th of June 2017

Meeting held in Hobart, 12th of June 2017 after the Tasmanian Open




  • Denis McMahon (President)
  • Ian Little (Vice-president, Secretary, Webmaster)
  • Kevin Bonham (Ratings officer)
  • Christine Rumley (Junior Chess Officer)
  • Ian Rout (BCC Delegate)
  • Kam Lee (Observer)


  • David Hughes (Treasurer)


The minutes of the previous TCA executive meeting (20th of November 2016) were circulated via e-mail prior to the meeting. No amendments were notified and the minutes were accepted as read and correct.

Matters arising:

As per the agenda no matters arising had been notified.

Denis McMahon noted that while the minutes of the previous AGM were not required to be approved at this meeting, that meeting did prescribe this meeting as the deadline by which certain actions should be completed and reports made back to the TCA. Denis McMahon noted that as those minutes had not been circulated some discussion may made more difficult, or may not be able to be had at all.

Denis McMahon noted that under the TCA constitution there is a requirement that minutes of the most recent meetings are made available to relevant parties in a timely fashion.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little to circulate minutes of the 2017 AGM prior to the next scheduled TCA Executive meeting on the 23rd of July after the Tasmanian Rapid Championship.

Motions Moved in Advance:


Any Other Business:

Glen Gibbs Nomination

Ian Little received correspondence from Kerry Beeton regarding his daughter Luwanna and her contention for the Glen Gibbs award for 2017. Ian advised Kerry that he would bring his notification to the meeting and advise him of timelines and other appropriate details at a later stage.

Denis McMahon noted that based on his recollection of the AGM the TCA passed a motion to construct a committee of 3 (President, Vice-president, and Junior Chess Officer) to determine the winner of the Glen Gibbs award each year; this would render Kerry Beeton’s request unnecessary.

Denis McMahon recommend that the TCA Secretary contact Kerry Beeton to inform him the TCA Executive has discussed his correspondence and that a formal nomination is no longer required.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little to contact Kerry Beeton and inform him the TCA Executive has discussed his correspondence and that a formal nomination is no longer required.

Andrew Wagdy Visitation Request

Denis McMahon informed the meeting of correspondence from International Master Andrew Wadgy (2333 FIDE) from Egypt. Andrew contact the TCA via the TCA Contact Us webpage seeking an invitation to play chess in Tasmania to aid in his bid to travel to Australia and play chess.

Denis McMahon noted that Andrew was a 6 times African junior champion; has agreed to meet all costs for his intended travel to Australia; and is only seeking a formal invitation to aid his bid for the appropriate visas, approvals, and other paperwork relating to travel to, and residence in, Australia for a 12-month period.

Kevin Bonham noted that Andrew may have been attempting to contact the ACF and only mistakenly contacted the TCA. It was also noted that if this were not the case it may be more advantageous for Andrew to contact the ACF anyway. Kevin Bonham also noted that the ACF should be notified regardless as there have been cases in the past where international visitors have used chess as a way of getting travel paperwork approved, but not actually playing in any chess events. However, in this case, all parties agreed the request appeared genuine.

ACTION ITEM: Denis McMahon to contact Andrew Wagdy and provide him with the contact details of the ACF Secretary and ACF President.

2018 Tasmanian Championship in Launceston

Denis McMahon informed the meeting that recent discussions with Aidan Cox, while brief had indicated that the Launceston Chess Club wanted to host the 2018 Tasmanian Championships. Discussions regarding a suitable venue turned to Launceston College and the issue of lighting. It was agreed that if the lighting could not be rectified then the TCA should seek and alternate venue for future tournaments.

Denis McMahon suggested approaching the Launceston Chess Club at the Launceston Cup in November regarding their venue arrangements. Ian Little noted that this was only appropriate if the Launceston Chess Club had already started the process of securing a venue. If the proposed venue was to be an educational institution the initial approach should be made no later than mid-October to avoid being prioritised below all end of year preparations.

Tasmanian Lightning Championship Time Control

Denis McMahon noted that as a matter of procedure it would have been more correct to ask the TCA to approve the change of time control for the 2017 Tasmanian Lightning Championship from 5+0 to 3+2, but on the understanding that the ACF has formally changed the Australian Lightning Championship from 5+0 to 3+2 was happy ratify that decision for all Future Tasmanian Lightning Championship until further notice.

Kevin Bonham noted that FIDE changed to 3+2 some time ago, but the ACF only changed after the 2017 Australian Lightning Championship because of disputes arising from situations when both players had very little time, and subsequent delays caused by the right to appeal when arbitrated decisions did not go their way.

MOTION (Ian) That the time control for the Tasmanian Lightning Championship be changed from 5+0 to 3+2 for all future events until further notice. CARRIED 3 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain.

Reimbursement for Online Tournament Payments

Ian Little noted that a more streamlined approach to reimbursing individuals and/or clubs for prize money advances from online purchases is required. Discussion considered the prospects of using electronic funds transfers as a preferred method of passing funds either as reimbursements or prizes.

Notice to Launceston Chess Club

Denis McMahon noted that the annual TCA levy exemption for the Launceston Chess Club expires on the 30th of June 2017. Ian Little noted that without discouraging the level of junior participation at the Launceston Chess Club, the TCA had a duty of care to ensure appropriate working with vulnerable people checks had been performed, and that privacy issue surrounding the posting of pictures on Facebook were addressed.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little to contact Aidan Cox and advise him of the June 30 exemption expiry, and to discuss the Launceston Chess Club’s privacy/child protection obligations and strategies.

MONA Chess

Denis McMahon noted that MONA possessed a large chess set and recommended that the TCA begin to develop and foster an informal arrangement with MONA with the aim of potentially holding an event at MONA.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little to write to David Walsh and/or his MONA liaison and open relations between MONA and the TCA.

TCA Webpage

Kam Lee raised the topic of creating a forum for players on the TCA webpage. After broad discussion of platforms already used, such as ChessChat, Facebook, and other websites it was agreed that attempting to create something on the TCA website would not be beneficial and only lead to duplication of platforms already used.

Denis McMahon requested that the webmaster create appropriate links on the TCA webpage to link to previous Burnie Chess Club tournament winners.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little to liaise with Denis McMahon to create the required links and/or pages.

