Tasmanian Chess Association (Inc.)

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TCA Minutes 14th of June 2010

Meeting held in Burnie, 14th of June 2010, after the Tasmanian Championships

Meeting Opened:

1:00 pm


  • Graham Richards (President),
  • Lawrence Bretag (Vice President),
  • Kevin Bonham (Secretary)
  • Carey Kuzmic (BCC),
  • Marcus Bretag,
  • David Hughes


  • Dylan Kuzmic (Ratings),
  • Ross George (Webmaster),
  • Leo Minol (Treasurer),
  • Michael Lucht (Launceston),
  • Russell Horton (Junior Chess Officer)


Minutes of previous meeting were confirmed.

Correspondence In:

David Grenness, CV Treasurer, re chess clocks, 29 April and 10 May 2010

Correspondence Out:

David Grenness, CV Treasurer, re chess clocks, 29 April and 14 May 2010

Club Reports:


Neville has passed on his Secretary/Treasurer role

MOVED Carey that we make a presentation from the TCA to Neville Ledger at the Burnie Shines  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Graham to see trophy houses.  Confirm cost etc at August Weekender

Numbers at Burnie are good.


now established at Launceston College with free venue.  Club also still meeting at old venue but less interest there.


Junior club thriving, adult struggling.  Social club for beginners 6:30-7:30

General Business:

CV Clocks issue:

Kevin discussed that the TCA had offered CV $50 + postage for the clocks to CV one month prior but received no response.

MOVED Carey that we expend up to $80 settling the debt to Chess Kids arising from the two missing clocks not among the eight taken by Leonid Sandler, and that the TCA authorise no further expenditure beyond that and the offer to CV.


Score for bye on request:

MOVED Kevin/Lawrence that there be no half-point byes in the Tasmanian Championships in view of the prestige of the event.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MOVED Carey/Marcus that all organisers of other TCA weekenders shall state whether half-point byes will be available, and if so under what conditions, on the entry form.  CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

TCA Levies:

MOVED David/Marcus that all TCA levies are due within 30 days of completion of the tournament.

Meeting Closed:

1:30 pm