Tasmanian Chess Association (Inc.)

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TCA AGM Minutes 13th of March 2017

Meeting held in Launceston, 13th of March 2017 after the Tasmanian Championships




  • Denis McMahon (President)

  • Ian Little (Vice-president, secretary)

  • David Hughes (Treasurer)

  • Kevin Bonham (Ratings officer)

  • Ian Rout (BCC Delegate)

  • Aidan Cox (LCC Delegate)


  • Reg Harvey (BCC President)


The minutes of the previous TCA Annual General Meeting of the 13th of March 2016 were circulated prior to the start of the meeting.  No amendments were notified and the minutes were accepted as read and correct.

Matters arising:

  • TCA Executive profiles (Ian Little)

Ian Little reported that significant progress has been made in completing the TCA executive profiles online, but some profiles are still in need of attention and/or updating.

  • Burnie Executive profiles (Ian Little)

Ian Little reported that the recent changes in the Burnie Chess Club’s executive has meant that some profiles and contact information needs to be updated, but this will not cause significant issues.

  • Submission of Audit Exemption form. (Ian Little)

Ian Little reported that the submission of the Audit Exemption form for 2016 will be submitted with the Return of Association form for 2017, which can only be done after the 2016 AGM has been concluded, and the new executive has been confirmed.

All other actions were reported as completed.

Denis McMahon noted is continued displeasure at the state of the TCA’s membership register and the difficulties an incomplete members list creates when registering new players in tournaments and consolidating revenue from club-based and individual memberships. Further discussion was postponed to general business.

President’s Report:

Denis McMahon, TCA President, tabled his president’s report which had previously been circulated to the TCA executive via e-mail.

Kevin Bonham raised the point that in all cases winners of the Tasmanian Open should be referred to as Tasmanian Open Winners and not Tasmanian Champions.

MOTION (Kevin) The AGM accept the tabled President’s Report. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Treasurer’s Report:

David Hughes, TCA Treasurer, tabled his treasurers report which had previously been circulated to the TCA executive via e-mail. Subsequent to that e-mail some revisions had been made and an updated version of his report was tabled at the meeting.

David Hughes noted that in the most recent financial year only the Hobart, Devonport, and Burnie clubs had been invoiced as the Launceston club had been exempted. He noted incomings of $450 from memberships with major outgoings of approximately $500, largely due to ratings fees.

Denis McMahon noted the requirement to itemise individual memberships on the annual statement in conjunction with previous comments regarding the status of the TCA membership register. Discussion turned to the previous year’s Tasmanian Open and the process of levy collection, recording, and expense reimbursement with the consensus reached that the TCA would not be out of pocket for levies charged, but a record of who paid individual memberships was not kept at the time.

Denis McMahon noted that an amount equalling $90 for the purchase of second hand clocks for the Launceston Chess Club was absent from the report. Discussion led to the consensus that the TCA had not yet been invoiced for this amount and as a result the TCA should, in good faith, contact the appropriate parties and determine if moneys are stilled owed.

MOTION (Aidan) The AGM accept the tabled Treasure’s Report. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Junior Officer’s Report:

No junior officer’s report was tabled.

Ian Little noted that Melissa Harvey had stepped down from her position as the HCC’s Junior Chess Officer and it was his belief that she intended to step down from the TCA’s Junior Chess Officer position as well, but he could not confirm that at the time.

Further discussion was moved to election of office bearers: Junior Chess Officer, and then general business.

2017 Annual Fees:

MOTION (Denis) That membership fees for 2017 remain unchanged, with memberships dating from the 1st of July 2017 to the 30th of June 2018.

Denis McMahon noted that the dates were included in the motion to bring clarity to club based memberships as this is not part of the constitution. Brief discussion led to the consensus levies should remain at the current level. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Appointment of an Appropriate Auditor:

Denis McMahon noted that Walter McMahon is happy to continue as the TCA’s auditor, on the proviso that the TCA submit its annual audit exception form(s).

MOTION (Ian) The TCA appoint Walter McMahon as TCA Auditor for 2017. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Election of Office Bearers:

The following people were all elected unopposed.

  • Denis McMahon for the office of President (nominated by Ian Little)

  • David Hughes for the office of Treasurer (nominated by Ian Little)

  • Ian Little for the office of Vice-President (self nominated)

  • Ian Little for the office of Secretary (self nominated)

  • Ian Little for the office of Webmaster (self nominated)

  • Kevin Bonham for the office of Ratings Officer (nominated by Ian Little)

  • Christine Rumley for the office of Junior Chess Officer (nominated by Ian Little)

The TCA did not receive formal consent from Christine Rumley on her nomination, as such her election is subject to the TCA gaining her consent.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little to approach Christine Rumley to obtain consent, and follow up as appropriate.

Glen Gibbs Awards Committee:

MOTION (Denis) That the TCA establish a committee of three members of the Executive, being the President, the Vice-President, and the Junior Chess Officer, to determine the annual winner of the Glen Gibbs Award.

Denis McMahon noted that the idea of this motion was to not force juniors who are in the running for the award to go through a lengthy or overly formal application process. This would enable the TCA to make an informed decision, noting the conditions of the award, and then notify winners irrespective of applications received or TCA membership.

Discussion turned to the creation of informal “regional junior chess contacts” to be made prominent on the TCA website and/or social media so potential junior players and/or their parents could contact the appropriate people in the South, North, or North West as needed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Tournament Entry Fees and Prize Pool Division:

MOTION (Ian) That the TCA annually sets the entry fees for the Tasmanian Championship, Tasmanian Rapid Championship, Tasmanian Lightning Championship, and the Tasmanian Open at its AGM under “Annual Fees”.

Denis McMahon noted the context of this motion included recent discussions with the Launceston Chess Club regarding its hosting of the Tasmanian Championships and that it was the opinion of the Launceston Chess Club that entry fees were too high particularly for juniors. As a result of these discussions a compromise was reached on the junior entry fee for the Tasmanian Championships. However, greater clarity on the powers of the hosting club are needed to avoid future confusion.

Ian Little noted that lowering the junior entry fee did not attract any new junior entries. He went on to argue that simplification of the 2-tiered junior entry system was timely as the TCA only presents a single Junior prize for all persons under the age of 18.

Discussion turned to the structure and specific amounts of entry fees with consensus reached that the following entry fees be charged until further notice.

  • Tasmanian Lightning Championships

    • $10 for all competitors

  • Tasmanian Rapid Championships

    • $30 for all competitors

  • Tasmanian Championships and Tasmanian Open

    • $55 for all adult waged competitors

    • $50 for all adult concession competitors

    • $15 for all junior competitors

Adult waged and adult concession entries for the Tasmanian Championships and the Tasmanian Open will be subject to a $5 early bird discount available on all payments made before 14 days prior to the start of the event. In all cases the term adult refers to someone of 18 years or more and the term junior refers to someone of less than 18 years of age at the time of the event.

Kevin Bonham noted that the TCA did already have complete control over all aspects of all state events, but that historically most details were not subject to standing TCA policy and more the result of organisers copying previous events to maintain the status quo. Kevin also noted that the TCA has a standing policy that 2 ratings prizes of at least 10% of the prize pool (subject to at least 3 entries) are awarded.

Ian Rout with the support of Denis McMahon requested that the last 6 words of the original motion be removed. Ian Little accepted the amendment on the proviso that annual fee setting was guaranteed. Denis McMahon noted that he would be happy to have a separate standing item included on the AGM agenda as a matter of procedures, but that it was not necessary to include that detail in the motion. MOTION WITHDRAWN

MOTION (Ian) That the TCA annually sets the entry fees for the Tasmanian Championship, Tasmanian Rapid Championship, Tasmanian Lightning Championship, and the Tasmanian Open. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

The discussion then again turned to the specific amounts and conditions of the entry fees to be charged and the methods of prize pool division. Ian Little noted it was often the case that ratings prizes were combined with multiple equal 3rd prizes and that he felt the current standard 40, 20, 10, 10, 10, model could be improved upon. However, Ian Little’s proposed model of 40, 25, 15, 10 was contingent on having a single ratings prize.

After general discussion, and recommendations from Kevin Bonham on how complex equal placings have been handled historically, a consensus was reached that the current model of prize division for the Tasmanian Championship and Tasmanian Open would remain the same with individual event organisers having the discretion to combine and divide prizes to deal with equal placings as they deem necessary, and for the Tasmanian Lightning Championship 100% of the entry fees would be returned as prizes in a 50, 25, 15, 10 split.

MOTION (Ian) That as previously discussed the entry fees and conditions for the following tournaments to be held before the next AGM are as follows:

  • Tasmanian Lightning Championships

    • $10 for all competitors

  • Tasmanian Rapid Championships

    • $30 for all competitors

  • Tasmanian Championships and Tasmanian Open

    • $55 for all adult waged competitors

    • $50 for all adult concession competitors

    • $15 for all junior competitors

Adult waged and adult concession entries for the Tasmanian Championships and the Tasmanian Open will be subject to a $5 early bird discount available on all payments made before 14 days prior to the start of the event. In all cases the term adult refers to someone of 18 years or more and the term junior refers to someone of less than 18 years of age at the time of the event.

That the division of the prize pools for the following tournaments to be held before the next AGM are as follows:

  • Tasmanian Championships and Tasmanian Open

    • 1st 40%

    • 2nd 20%

    • 3rd 10%

    • Ratings 1 10%

    • Ratings 2 10%

    • Junior prize determined tournament by tournament by the organiser

  • Tasmanian Lightning Championships

    • 1st 50%

    • 2nd 25%

    • 3rd 15%

    • Junior 10%

In all cases the exact ratings ranges may be subject to change and tournament organisers retain the ability to combine and divide prize moneys as they see fit to ensure fair and equitable award moneys are given to competitors in all divisions. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

Any Other Business:

Launceston College Venue and Organisation

Denis McMahon noted his displeasure and disappointment at the handling of the organisation of the Tasmanian Championships, siting that in the final week leading up to the tournament: hire agreements had not been finalised, despite initial planning put in place by the TCA Secretary; the fact that the DOP was not planning on attending the event; that this information was only discovered after inquiries were made as to whether assistance from the TCA was required in finalising the organisation of the event; and that when inquiries were made as to whether Aidan Cox was to be the alternate DOP the response was “you’ll have talk to him”.

David Hughes noted that both he and Denis McMahon travelled to the Launceston Chess Club 5-6 week prior to the Tasmanian Championships and specifically offered any assistance required in the event’s organisation.

Denis McMahon went on to highlight that it was then incumbent on the TCA in the week leading up the Tasmanian Championship to liaise with education department personnel to ensure the hire agreement was finalised, and that the hiring agreement now came with a security fee previously unknown to the TCA. Denis McMahon noted that the handling of the 2017 Tasmanian Championship by the Launceston Chess Club placed the continued hosting of this event in Launceston at risk.

Denis McMahon asked the meeting if the TCA should give Launceston another chance, or should the TCA conclude that the experiment of hosting the previous 2 March events in Launceston has failed. It was noted that overall participation had not increased by having a more central Tasmanian location, and that Launceston participation was also lacking despite the decreased junior entry fee and burgeoning Launceston Chess Club junior attendance.

Discussion turned to Launceston College as a venue. Denis McMahon noted that he was very happy with the venue’s proximity to the Launceston city centre and during the day time the venue was exceptional. However, the meeting agreed that the venue’s lighting was inadequate at night for evening games Denis McMahon asked if we persist with Launceston College as a venue, or do we seek an alternate location be it in Launceston or not. Denis McMahon noted his preference was to retain a Launceston tournament as it was halfway between Hobart and Burnie.

Ian Little noted that the first time (2016) the TCA played at Launceston College the organisation was straight forward. Ian Little recounted that he’d written a letter to the Launceston College principal, and then had been directed to a staff member who he liaised with through the remainder of the process. However, the 2017 tournament organisation was made significantly more complex as Ian was referred to the Launceston College Business Manager. While we were ultimately allowed to host the tournament at the college, negotiations were much harder and additional concessions and guarantees had to be made to secure the hire agreement. Ian Little went on to note that he expected this to become the norm when dealing with educational institutions in the future.

Ian Little noted that one of the assurances the TCA gave to the Launceston College was that the TCA would ensure competitors did not roam around the college, and that the TCA would cover any costs incurred by alarms being triggered by competitors. Ian Little went on to note that after going to great lengths to persuade the Launceston College Business Manager nothing amiss would occur, that having an alarm set off on the first day of competition by Martin Friebe, the TCA may have to enter some sort of damage control if we wanted to use the venue in the future.

Denis McMahon noted that he would like Aidan Cox as the regional junior chess coordinator and Launceston Chess Club Delegate to contact the person who runs junior chess at St Patricks and try to cajole into allowing us to host the Tasmanian Championships at St Patricks, while being upfront about the TCA’s inability to pay large hiring fees. Ian Little suggested that is St Patricks were not amenable to this the TCA could also try Scotch Oakburn. The Mind Moves venue was also suggested as a potential location for tournaments in the future.

Discussion briefly turned to the time control of 90+30 for both the Tasmanian Open and Tasmanian Championships. Broad support was given for maintaining 90+30 subject to round times, travel times, and other logistical elements, but returning to 90+15 was nominated as a fall back option should 90+30 not be practical.

A decision on the location and possible venues for the 2018 Tasmanian Championship was held over until the Executive Meeting following the Tasmanian Open in June.

Event Guidelines for TCA Events

Ian Little asked the meeting whether it felt the development of a set of “Tournament Guidelines” was beneficial to future tournaments. Ian Little noted that the guidelines would be written in a minimally prescriptive fashion and formatted in a checklist style. The spirit of the guidelines would be so the TCA can ensure a certain consistency from its state events, and tournament organisers have access to a documented account of what is expected of them, and the tournament(s) they are organising.

Ian Little recommended for larger tournaments there be 2 positions prescribed by the guidelines. The first would be a Tournament Organiser, who would be responsible for the venue, tea and coffee facilities, analysis areas etc. anything related to physical organising of the event, and then the second would be the Director of Play, who would be responsible for compiling entries, organising score sheets, clock batteries etc. anything related to directing the tournament itself. The 2 positions would act together as a 2 person organising committee for state run events, and in the event of injury, illness, or extenuating circumstances 1 person would be able to operate as both positions.

Ian Little volunteered to draft the guidelines on the provision that the meeting felt it was worthwhile.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little, in consultation with Denis McMahon, to draft a set of TCA Event Guidelines for presentation to the TCA Executive.

Event Code of Ethics for TCA Events

Ian Little asked the meeting if in conjunction with the event guidelines whether the TCA should write or provide a code of ethics to which players and arbiters can be directed. Ian Little noted that the reason for this is to ensure all parties are aware of the rules and standards to which they are being held, and the remedies they may incur should they breach them.

Denis McMahon suggested the TCA Simply adopt the ACF Code of Ethics and direct people to that. Discussion around the ease of accessibility of the ACF Code of Ethics arrived at the consensus that appropriate links to web pages, documents, and other materials be placed on the TCA website, and with the draft of the TCA Event Guidelines and updated as appropriate.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little Liaise with Kevin Bonham on the most recent version of all documents relating to the ACF’s Code of Ethics and where to find them.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Little to incorporate appropriate references and/or links to all relevant ACF Code of Ethics documents in the draft of the TCA Event Guidelines, and on the TCA website once the TCA Event Guidelines have been approved and adopted.

Tasmanian Championships and Tasmanian Open entry into the ACF Grand Prix Entry

Ian Little noted that historically the Tasmanian Championships and Tasmanian Open have entered the ACF GP. Since his appointment as ACF GP Director Ian Little has automatically entered those events as Class 1 tournaments. Ian Little noted that this incurs an additional $50 charge, and with the number of entries and the percentages of prizes being paid for those tournaments, the TCA is making a net loss of the ACF GP entries with no noticeable increase in entries or mainland player attractions.

Ian Little recommended the TCA stop registering the Tasmanian Championship and Tasmanian Open in the ACF Grand Prix. Kevin Bonham noted that all ACF GP events are automatically covered by the ACF Code of Ethics and therefore allow arbiters and competitors access to national remedies in the event of breaches. General discussion led to the consensus that with the development of the TCA Event Guidelines and the more formal adoption of the ACF Code of Ethics within those guidelines that this fact was irrelevant.

Ian Rout asked if the Tasmanian Open was registered in the ACF GP, and if so what would happen to that registration. Ian Little confirmed the Tasmanian Open was registered but that deregistration was possible and was recommended.

MOTION (Ian) That the TCA deregister the Tasmanian Open from the ACF Grand Prix, and until further notice does not register any Tasmanian Open or Championship in the ACF Grand Prix. CARRIED 3 votes Yes, 0 votes No, 2 abstain.

FIDE Rating Events

Ian Rout asked for an update on the status of discussions relating to FIDE rating Tasmanian events.

Denis McMahon directed Ian Rout to the minutes of past meetings, both AGM and Executive on the TCA website as well as ChessChat for specific details, siting an overall lack of enthusiasm to pursue FIDE rating Tasmanian tournaments.

