Jonathan Schrantz on the Noteboom
The Chess Club and Scholastic Centre of St Louis (CCSCSL) has a fantastic chess lecture program which is available for free on YouTube and on their website.
For your convenience the TCA will be presenting selected lectures from the CCSCSL along with a PGN file of all the games and notes.
In this Lecture Jonathan Schrantz (1974 FIDE) presents one of his favourite openings; the Noteboom. While we must forgive Jonathan for calling it the NotebLoom, the lecture points out some of the key aspects for anyone wanting to know more about this opening, and the middle game ideas it leads to.
Featured in this lecture and in the PGN file are:
- Noteboom - Ideas and notes.
- Birnbaum D vs Relange E (1985) - 15. Qc2 lines
- Hammer J vs Nakamura H (2013) - 15 Nd2 lines
- Kasimdzhanov R vs Grischuk A (2015) - 15 Re1 lines
All of the games and notes from this lecture have been compiled into a PGN file for download. You can use this PGN file with most chess programs, if you don't have a chess program you can visit the TCA Downloads page (here) for instructions on how to view this file online.